Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is NexShop LIVE available in my area?
A: We are in the process of making NexShop LIVE available nationwide, allowing you to access products from merchants in your local area.

Q: How can I contact customer support?
A: Customer support is available from each individual merchant through live video chat. The chatbot (on the bottom right of each page) will provide answers to common questions and will also alert a staff member to engage in live support during your shopping experience if needed.

Q: Can I sell my products on NexShop LIVE?
A: Yes, NexShop LIVE welcomes merchants who want to expand their reach and engage with customers through our platform.

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1005 Myrtle St
Morgan City, LA, 70380 USA

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(985) 985-518-1388

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Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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